WG Tag Team: Barack & Hulk Hogan vs. Hillary & "The Rock"
Weekend Grudgematch!
OK, we're trying something new this weekend. It's the Tag Team Rumble!
What if, instead of sorting it all out in the primaries, Barack and Hillary just decided to solve things with brute force, Mano y Womano? Of course, their handlers wouldn't go for that. Everything in politics must be properly staged. Thus, they call in the masters of staged fights, the WWE, for assistance. So, the WWE provides them with partners in this brute force matchup.
Barack, trying to deal with charges that he is inexperienced, balances his ticket by choosing fan favorite and legend, "Hollywood Hulk Hogan," who leaves his reality show to step back into the ring. Hillary, trying to appeal to a younger audience, goes with Dwayne Johnson, aka "The Rock," who leaves the set of "Get Smart" to join the fray. Both wrestlers are serious about supporting their candidate, and as it turns out, there's no staging after all. This one is for keeps!
Knowing they need a knowledgeable and 'independent' referee, Barack and Hillary enlist Governor Jesse "the Body" Ventura to referee this rumble. (Just to be clear, David Geffen is in no way involved)
IMPORTANT NOTE: this isn't intended to be a political blog, because they're not nearly as much fun. So, let's limit it to how each of them would fight -- strength, determination, training, grit, etc -- rather than policy arguments about the war or Medicare or how each of them would govern. Let's keep this light and nonpartisan--save your political arguments for other more boring and serious blogs.
Thanks to Karen for her input on this matchup.
Housekeeping: It appears that this blog's layout doesn't load properly on older versions of IE. Newer versions of IE seem to be just fine. I'm looking into it.
OK, we're trying something new this weekend. It's the Tag Team Rumble!
What if, instead of sorting it all out in the primaries, Barack and Hillary just decided to solve things with brute force, Mano y Womano? Of course, their handlers wouldn't go for that. Everything in politics must be properly staged. Thus, they call in the masters of staged fights, the WWE, for assistance. So, the WWE provides them with partners in this brute force matchup.
Barack, trying to deal with charges that he is inexperienced, balances his ticket by choosing fan favorite and legend, "Hollywood Hulk Hogan," who leaves his reality show to step back into the ring. Hillary, trying to appeal to a younger audience, goes with Dwayne Johnson, aka "The Rock," who leaves the set of "Get Smart" to join the fray. Both wrestlers are serious about supporting their candidate, and as it turns out, there's no staging after all. This one is for keeps!
Knowing they need a knowledgeable and 'independent' referee, Barack and Hillary enlist Governor Jesse "the Body" Ventura to referee this rumble. (Just to be clear, David Geffen is in no way involved)
IMPORTANT NOTE: this isn't intended to be a political blog, because they're not nearly as much fun. So, let's limit it to how each of them would fight -- strength, determination, training, grit, etc -- rather than policy arguments about the war or Medicare or how each of them would govern. Let's keep this light and nonpartisan--save your political arguments for other more boring and serious blogs.
Thanks to Karen for her input on this matchup.
Housekeeping: It appears that this blog's layout doesn't load properly on older versions of IE. Newer versions of IE seem to be just fine. I'm looking into it.